Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How to be a Great Babysitter

by, Lauren
Close your eyes and imagine this: A parent asks you to babysit for them, but you have no clue what you’re doing. You get there and one kid starts running around coloring on the walls with permanent markers. The permanent markers that were under lock and key mind you. Another kid is choking on a hot dog. The last one put a hole in the ceiling. Now open your eyes; you’re full of terror. So, to prevent any of this from happening I’m going teach you how to be a great babysitter!
    Starting off, go through a Red Cross or babysitting training course. Many clinics will teach you how to do CPR, the heimlich, and other important First Aid training. The chances that you will have to do CPR or the heimlich on anyone is very little, but you always want to be prepared.  Many parents will be very relieved  to know that their sitter is certified.
    Parents usually leave a list of things for the kids to do, bedtimes, food, and other important things. Make sure you read the list thoroughly! If the bedtime says 8:30 p.m. you need to put them to bed at that time! Kids will most likely test you and ask for things they are not allowed to have or do. Some things kids like to test you with are candy and screen time. Make sure you put your foot down and don’t let them. If the parents don’t leave a list, ask them the rules before they leave.
    Always keep an eye on the kids. Kids have a knack for getting into some kind of trouble. Make sure the kids know the rules. This way they will be less prone to get into trouble. Some things that cause injuries are, climbing on the things (or each other), playing in the street, or burning themselves on  something like hot stove burners, or hot pavement.
Next, interact with the kids. If the kids don’t know what do here are a few ideas: play board games, or card games, do a puzzle, read them a book, make a fort (just make sure to clean it up), and toys! Another thing to do is screen time. Just make sure you ask the parents first! Kids quickly get bored of their own toys, so something fun to do is to bring some old toys to play with from your house! Kids love new toys and your old ones will be a novelty. If the kids ask to play, go play with them. But, don’t sit there and  tell them to go play by themselves. If you don’t play with them, they will tell their parents, and you most likely won’t be hired again.
Next, if you make any messes clean them up! Toys, food that’s on the floor, dishes, and any other messes. If you break anything tell the parents! They will be very happy that you told them and will trust you more.
    Food. Kids are always asking for food! Mostly, gum, candy, and anything else sweet. Normally parents will let you know what their kids can and can’t eat. Make sure you don’t feed a child something they’re allergic to! Also, keep an eye on the kids when they’re eating. You don’t to be gone if one of the kids is choking. You will not have fun cleaning up barf or calling an ambulance.
    Lastly, be yourself!!!!! Kids will love you for being who you are!! You will also have a lot more fun if you’re yourself. Babysitting is a great character builder. It teaches you responsibility, patience, and many other life lessons.
    I hope you enjoyed the babysitting guide. Please give my paper a thumbs up. Now go make money by babysitting!*

*Disclaimer. This paper is not about making money. However, babysitting is a good way to make money.

Monday, February 8, 2016

How to Ride a Hoverboard

By Alyssa

           Ever since Back to the Future Part 3 came out, everyone’s been occupied with inventing a hoverboard. They’ve finally came out, and your brand new board just arrived and is waiting to be used. There’s just one problem...how do you ride them?
          First off, make sure the battery is charged, then turn on your board and position it in front of you.
          Getting on and off the board is pretty important and pretty easy. To mount it, step up with your dominant foot (if you’re right handed use your right foot; left handed use left) and then step on with your non-dominant foot. When you’re on the hoverboard, make sure your feet are flat and as close to the wheel as you can get them. Try to not stiffen up when you stand on it, because the outcome usually results in you sprawled out on the ground, so stay relaxed. If you don’t trust your balance, then hold onto a table or a friend or something. To dismount, reverse the steps on how to get on.
You should always learn how to ride inside on a hard surface, like a kitchen floor or down a hall. When you’re positive that you’re not going to fall, then you can work at riding it outside on the sidewalk. Okay, once you’re comfortable standing on it without holding onto anything, it’s time to get rolling (hovering)!
             Moving in a straight line is a piece of cake; to travel forward, stand on the board and then lean forward like you’re going to rise onto your tiptoes. To go backwards, shift your weight back on your heels, but make sure you don’t lean too far back, or you will fall. If you try going too fast, your board will start wobbling, so limit the speed until you improve. The most convenient way to practice going forward and back is either down a hallway or out on the sidewalk.
            Turning is also pretty easy, and there are two different ways to do it. The first way is to twist your body to the left or right, and you’ll go the way you rotate. The second way is to swing one of your feet forward, and you’ll go opposite that direction. For example, if you pivot your left foot, you’ll turn right. I recommend the second way because the board is less likely to tip over, but both ways work.
         Made it this far? Congrats! Now you can start doing the fun stuff. Once you can go straight, backward, left and right inside, you can ride these things on almost any outdoor surface; dirt roads, grass, and concrete. No more walking to school! No more being dragged around by your dog on walks! There are also a few tricks that you can do on these boards like going down stairs, doing handstands on it, spinning, doing a figure eight, 360°, and moving while sitting or lying down on the board.
           Hoverboards can keep you entertained for hours, and if you followed these steps, you’ll be zooming around having the time of your life.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    *just for fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IQy2SRfgKM