by Lauren Burns
Many people say how much their family annoys them, however I think that my family is a blessing! Each one of my family members means the world to me. They each impact my life in special way. They all help me learn lessons that will prepare me for life.
First my dad. My dad is the greatest dad I could ask for. He is always willing to help me with school and athletics He always is up for a bike ride, a hiking trip, or a trip to the movies. I always enjoy going to lunch with him and just talking. He also works really hard for us and provides for our family. A year and a half ago, my dad was shot in the leg while working on the police force. This incident grew our family together, more than we could have imagined. It helped me appreciate my dad, and realize how special he is to me. Even through it all my dad kept a good attitude and was a great influence on me. Like I said he is the best dad ever.
Next, my mom. My mom is the perfect mom for me! She makes delicious food, she helps me with my school, and is always there for me. She loves to shop and I go with her most of the time. However, I usually can’t find anything that fits me, so half of our shopping trips are me constantly asking to go home. But, she still takes me with her. Isn’t she so patient! My mom also puts up with my shenanigans. Believe it or not I’m usually pretty hyper and am always being crazy. My mom is always willing to help me and is the most amazing mom I could ask for.
Okay, my brothers. My house is usually pretty crazy. I mean four younger brothers doesn’t exactly correlate with quiet. However, even with their craziness, my brothers are still pretty fun. They will always jump on the trampoline with me or just mess around with me in the backyard. We also have a fun time spying on our neighbors, from the trampoline of course. And about everyday we will play football.
A month ago, I was playing football with my brothers, uncles, my dad, and my cousins and I broke my arm. My other brother also broke his arm a few months earlier playing soccer. They’re pretty tough, obviously, but I’m pretty tough because of it. Besides being stared at by everyone in a restaurant because of the craziness at our table. We argue sometimes, but it helps us work our our differences. Without them I wouldn’t be as patient, as social, or as good of an athlete.
Now, I would love to say I have at least one sister, but alas I do not. But I do have two girl cousins who are very close to my age. They are the best cousins ever and we have always have a blast together. We enjoy watching movies, playing sock monkeys, (Yes, it may seem kind of little kid-ish but, we have fun anyway) and doing many arts and crafts. We love to blast music, jump on the trampoline, and yell silly things at their neighbors.
Last year my dad’s family rented a house in the mountains. My cousins and I had a blast playing Just Dance, staying up late and eating Cheez-Its, messing around with our hair, and making crazy obstacle course shows! Even though we live three hours away, I consider them my sisters. They are always willing to do girly things with me, which is something I don’t usually do. They are the best cousins ever and I can almost consider them sisters and they are always there for me.
My family is the perfect family for me! They teach me patience, to always look on the bright side, and to work as hard as I can. They are always willing to support me. If it weren’t for them I wouldn’t be the person I am today.